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 Basic S-ranks

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Posts : 77
Join date : 2022-11-07

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PostSubject: Basic S-ranks   Basic S-ranks Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 12:04 pm

Name: Eliminate: Gray and Red Demons
Rank: S
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 1,000 Gold, 8 posts
Description: A Gray demon and two Red demons have been spotted attacking a large town in your kingdom. You are tasked with dealing with the threat and protecting the townsfolk. The Red demons are both Tier 1-3 and the Gray Demon is tier 0-3. The Red demons are able to breathe out the magical Purgatory Fire which is counted as an offensive ranged spell of S-rank. The Gray Demon is capable of creating a large range "snow" of small balls of the black flames, this ability covers a range of 50 meters around the demon and is considered to be an S-rank spell.

Name: Eliminate: Rogue Holy Knight
Rank: S
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 1,000 Gold, 8 posts
Description: A Holy Knight was passed up for promotion to the position of Grand Holy Knight, but as opposed to handling his disapointment with class and decorum, he decided to use his magic power to destroy the palace building he was in and kill his examiners. He then fled the scene and ran off, no doubt to avoid taking responsibility for his outburst. The King has tasked you with hunting him down and bringing him to justice. You are allowed to use deadly force if necessary. The knight is 0-3 and has a magical power that allows him to send powerful blasts of pure magic energy from his palms. These are roughly the size of a basketball and can reach a range of 100 meters. They are equal in power to an S-ranked spell. He also has a magical sword that allows him to slice through elemental attacks and renders him immune to curses.

Name: Eliminate: Rogue Wizard
Rank: S
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 1,000 Gold, 8 posts
Description: A Wizard has stolen knowledge of a forbidden spell and escaped the association. You are to track him down and eliminate him. He is tier 0-3 and has a magic power that allows him to convert any of his spells into magical arrows with the elemental type related to their type. He knows all General Grimoire spells and an additional spell that allows him to multiply his arrow attacks into two arrows.

Name: Eliminate: Tyrant Dragon
Rank: S
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 1,000 Gold, 8 posts
Description: A massive dragon with a long head and spikes coming out from the back of its head and from the bottom of its lower jaw. The dragon stands at 200 meters tall with a wingspan of 250 meters, weighing in at over 60,000 tons. The Dragon is able to breathe a dragonfire attack that is equal in power to an S-rank Hellblaze attack from a demon. It is attacking a local town almost totally destroying it, you have been tasked with defeating it and bringing an end to its reign of terror.

Name: Eliminate: Albion
Rank: S
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 1,000 Gold, 8 posts
Description: Albion are gigantic creatures the size of mountains. They appear to be formed from the earth by evil magic and as a result, possess the black marks that are typical of the Demon Clan. While they are typically giant creatures, their shape can differ between each golem. You are tasked with defeating an Albion that has appeared and is attacking a city. Albion are capable of firing a pure magic blast or beam from canons that they can form from their stony flesh. These attacks are equal in power to an S-rank spell.
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