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 Basic B-ranks

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Posts : 77
Join date : 2022-11-07

Basic B-ranks Empty
PostSubject: Basic B-ranks   Basic B-ranks Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 12:01 pm

Name: Its Hard to be a Star!
Rank: B-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 250 Gold, 5 posts
Description: A royal from a smaller kingdom is visiting the city and it is your job to provide them with an escort and a personal bodyguard during their stay. As she is royalty, her fans are foaming at the mouth to get an autograph or any other little tidbit of regalia they can to remember her visit by. Your job is to keep the crowds at bay, but also to keep her safe from harm as some may wish to hurt her when she is on the road. You must meet her at the halfway point, escort her to the city, protect her at her event, and then escort her out of the city to the rendezvous.

Name: Assassinate the Businessman
Rank: B-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 250 Gold, 5 posts
Description: You have been hired to track down and assassinate a prominent businessman who has been running an underground child trafficking ring in a town outside of your City. The businessman himself is not much of a threat as he has no formal training but carelessness can get anyone killed. He does however have two high level thugs protecting him. They are each proficient with a sword and will not hesitate to kill you to protect their client. Thugs are Tier 3-3 and use C-ranked swords.

Name: Murderer on Trial
Rank: B-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 250 Gold, 5 posts
Description: A notorious Holy Knight has betrayed their oaths as a knight and desecrated their loyalty to the Kingdom. While they were hastily sentenced to death, this prisoner managed to escape during transport. Your mission is to locate this prisoner and detain him for your own village's benefit. His escape was aided by two thugs, deal with them and bring the prisoner back to your village, alive. Thugs are tier 3-3, Holy Knight is tier 2-3, uses a B-ranked sword and has a Magical Power that lets him stretch his limbs to up to 20 meters long.

Name: Pin the Tail on the Traitor
Rank: B-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 250 Gold, 5 posts
Description: A Holy Knight committed the ultimate betrayal and attempted to assassinate your King! He failed obviously, but managed to escape the guards on post. You have been sent to hunt them down and bring them to justice. You have been authorized to use lethal force if necessary.

Name: The Rogue Mage
Rank: B-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 250 Gold, 5 posts
Description: A Mage has gone rogue and deserted the Association. They have asked you to hunt him down and erase him. As they cannot allow his knowledge to fall into the wrong hands, you must destroy the body upon killing him. Make sure there is NOTHING left.
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