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 Basic A-ranks

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Posts : 77
Join date : 2022-11-07

Basic A-ranks Empty
PostSubject: Basic A-ranks   Basic A-ranks Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 12:02 pm

Name: Protect the VIP
Rank: A
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 500 Gold, 6 posts
Description: The King has tasked you with escorting and protecting a Diplomatic leader through the realm to handle some business outside of the kingdom. But due to some unhappy business partners the Diplomats life may be in Danger. It is your job to fight off and fend the danger of two 2-1 Tiered Bandits and successfully help the diplomat arrive at his meeting safely.

Name: Stop the Con Artist
Rank: A
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 500 Gold, 6 posts
Description: There have been reports that a man in the city is scamming citizens out of their money with simple tricks and some form of illusion ability when playing a find the coin game with three cups. Track the man down and beat him at his game, then bring him in for questioning. But be careful not fall under his power A powerful 1-3 tiered illusion ability that requires an equal or higher mental fortitude skill to see through or else you could also become his next target! If you decide not to play at his game you could always stop him by force, but be weary it appears the man is also a master at hand to hand combat!

Name: Destroy the Failing Generator
Rank: A
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 500 Gold, 6 posts
Description: The King has sent you to stop a large generator that powers the city from exploding. If it does, it would be able to to destroy a quarter of the city and shut down the power in half the kingdom! Your job is to stop the generator before it builds up to much magical energy and explodes. It is up to you how you choose to do it but the faster you destroy it the better! This generator is sturdy enough to withstand up to three S-rank level spells before it is destroyed!

Name: Save the Hostages!
Rank: A
Faction: Any
Client: King/Faction Leader
Rewards: 500 Gold, 6 posts
Description: There is rouge Holy Knight who was seen planting explosives around the Knight academy building! In a failed attempt to escape the knight would decide to change his plans and go after all the kids in the academy! Upon his request all personnel Squire rank and higher had left the building to avoid getting anyone hurt but there are still recruits inside! The knight is just as crafty as he is powerful, so be wary of his traps. Any attempt to enter the building upon his detection will trigger a massive explosion killing all the children. You job is to disable the magic bombs placed around the school, (10 in total) and take down the rouge knight.
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