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 Basic D-ranks

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Posts : 77
Join date : 2022-11-07

Basic D-ranks Empty
PostSubject: Basic D-ranks   Basic D-ranks Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 11:59 am

Name: Catch the Student!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description:  A young student has run away from the school and is hiding somewhere in the city. You are to hunt him down and return him to his class before he manages to cause any trouble or get himself hurt.

Name: Kill the Bear!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description:  A large bear has been terrorizing the local farmers. They have hired you to come in and take care of it. The bear has 5 in all stats and is seemingly fire proof.

Name: Confiscate the Weapons!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: A few kids somehow managed to steal a few dulled steel blades and are playing with them in the local park. You are to get back all the weapons from them before they are able to hurt themselves.

Name: Lead the Tour!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description:  A new couple has come to the city and is in need of a grand tour. You are to take them out and show them the sights as well as recommend a good hotel and fine restaurants around town.

Name: Maintain the Training Ground
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description:One of the local training grounds is covered with trash! You need to get in there and clean it up before any visitors see it and think poorly of your Kingdom!

Name: Take out the Garbage!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description:  An old lady is having trouble with her garbage, she needs a strong young adventurer to come help her take it out. She already has it bagged, she just needs you to carry it down one hundred flights of stairs to the bottom of the building and put it in the dumpster for her.

Name: Paint the Wall!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: An old man is in need of assistance painting over some images that a few vandals painted on the side of his house. You can help him! He is just repainting it white and with the two of you is should take no time at all.

Name: Hunt for the Golden Fruit!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: There was apparently an extremely valuable piece of artwork stolen from the marketplace recently. You need to track it down and return it before the thief is able to resell it to their fence. It appears to be a large golden apple.

Name: Delivery!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: A woman is lying sick in bed, but still needs to do her grocery shopping! She has already placed the order, but she needs you to go across town to pick it up for her! Return it all in one piece or you'll be responsible for replacing it.

Name: Sleeping on the Job!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: Supposedly, one of the local gate guards has a habit of falling asleep on the job. The only issue is, that he somehow is always able to wake up before he is caught. You need to catch him in the act!

Name: Where is my Ball?!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: A local child lost his ball somewhere in his back yard. He has already looked everywhere he could think of and so he called you to come and aid him with his search. It is a simple, red, rubber ball around a foot in diameter.

Name: Sweep the Halls!
Rank: D-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 100 Gold, 1 post
Description: Return to the Academy after school to aid in sweeping up the halls and throwing away any trash you see. Community service pays off!
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