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 Basic C-ranks

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Posts : 77
Join date : 2022-11-07

Basic C-ranks Empty
PostSubject: Basic C-ranks   Basic C-ranks Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 12:00 pm

Name: Save the Children!
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: A teenage thug has been skulking around the school grounds lately bullying the students. You have been called to come in and teach them a lesson. Don't hurt him too bad, but make sure he never wants to bully these kids again. Thug is Tier 6-3. He tends to favor a direct hand to hand approach because he is very arrogant and sure of his skills.

Name: Protect the Artisan!
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: You have been asked to guard a merchant as he makes a delivery to his most influential customer. He will be travelling all the way to a small village in an adjacent Kingdom and back. You are to escort him both ways and protect him from the bandits that want to steal his wares. There are six bandits, they all are tier 6-3, their leader however is tier 5-1. They don't know any spells or how to use any magical powers, but they are relatively skilled in hand to hand and they all carry a D-ranked weapon.

Name: Meager Display of Skill
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: You have been hired to display some of your skills for a party of rich aristocrats. Be sure to give them plenty of entertainment and feel free to enjoy food and drink while you're at it!

Name: Capture the Traitor [Pt. 1]
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: A Squire has ran from the Kingdom and forsaken the Order. You are to track him down before he gets too far away. After a few hours of searching, you manage to find that he is in a bandit camp attempting to sell secrets to the Bandit leader. You must then create a plan of attack for when you sack the camp. Make sure to include how many bandits there are and a plan of escape for yourself and the Traitor.

Name: Capture the Traitor [Pt. 2]
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: Once you have created a plan, it is time to put it into action! The bandits are tier 6-3 in all areas, the leader has a tier of 5-3 in all areas and the Squire who attacks you on sight is tier 5-1. Do not kill the Squire. He must be returned to your Kingdom for interrogation and confinement.

Name: Destroy the Bandit Camp!
Rank: C-rank
Faction: Any
Client: Random Citizen
Rewards: 150 Gold, 3 posts
Description: A bandit encampment has been erected in your land and they have been terrorizing the local merchants, reducing trade coming to your City. You have been tasked with going in and destroying the camp, kill all bandits and wipe it off the face of the earth.
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