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» A Squire's Tale
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2022 1:35 am by Cairo

» Generic War Scythe [C][Custom]
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 7:38 pm by Brigit

» Generic Spear [Tier C][Custom]
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 2:54 am by Brigit

» Brigit Strife [Character Sheet]
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 2:03 am by Brigit

» Rudolf Sheet Edition
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeWed Nov 16, 2022 12:33 am by Rudolf

» Cairo’s Character Sheet
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeWed Nov 16, 2022 12:06 am by Cairo

» Daemon the Unbreakable (NPC)
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2022 10:59 am by Yarmital

» NPC Template
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2022 10:54 am by Yarmital

» Brigit Strife
A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 15, 2022 5:50 am by Brigit

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 A Squire's Tale

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PostSubject: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2022 9:58 am

Yarmital made his way to the courtyard of the fort to meet with the squad he had been assigned to. They were all squires like himself that would be working under an official Apprentice Holy Knight who had been assigned as second in command of the fort. He briefly wondered what sort of people he would be working alongside for this portion of his career, but he shrugged off the thought, he'd meet them soon enough. Arriving at the area, he would take in his surroundings. The dusty courtyard was relatively bare, save for a few weapon racks and training dummies.

The squire himself was dressed quite plainly, a white shirt with red stripes covered by a white riders cloak. Black pants tucked neatly over black riding boots, that all contrasted nicely with his snowy hair. Looking around, it seemed that he was the first to arrive, so he would find a good place to sit and begin to read over another of the spell tomes he had acquired recently. Sitting in a shady spot by the wall, he would open the tome and get lost in his own musings about the spell of which he read.
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2022 5:34 pm

The dopey child had been wandering, as he is one to do. Though dopey, Rudolf isn't stupid he's just...young. Most kids who go through what he did grow up quickly, but he never grew up because the whole murder and war thing is part of how he's built. It's where his love of the spear comes from, and where is overall state of mind comes from.

As the Child would wander, he'd come across a mysterious and new person in the courtyard that he felt like he needed to investigate.

"It's a new guy~ What's the new guy doin~" The dopey 9 year old would ask, standing tall next to the spear...that stood at twice his height. It was likely a comical sight, but overall Rudolf was genuinely asking.

Rudolf was dressed in rather plain clothes with a plan pair of sandals. It's uninspired sure, but he's 9. He doesn't even choose his own clothes!
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PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeWed Nov 16, 2022 12:44 am

“It seems the human race has developed quite a bit since the olden days. Even this kingdom Camelot is vastly superior to what the human clan was capable of before…”

These were the thoughts that Cairo spoke out loud. He was making his way through the kingdom. His destination was a place known as Fort Solgales. His current goal is to increase his strength and return to his peak. From the information he gather the best way to do so was to join the group known as the Holy Knights. Upon reaching the base requirements he was lead here to find what was supposed to be his new squad. It seems the human clan now relied on the power of strength in unity. Such a concept was not against his liking. After all the reason he was sealed long ago is because he had no reliable team or backing.

So now he didn’t mind meeting up with some hopefully reliable teammates. The only thing he had to worry about is how they would view him after he used his powers. His mental state after being trapped for thousands of years was truly unstable. If it was to be put into words he had multiple personalities. His other personalities tended to be more vicious in nature. But that was something he would worry about later. It would not take him long to arrive there. As he did he instantly noticed two other young man. One of them seemed more like a kid then a young man? What was this about? Did someone bring their child to player here or what?

“Ah, Hello. I am Cairo I heard that a new squad gather was being held here. Is this the right place?”
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PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 3:49 am

Brigit would be seen quickly shoving her way around the various projects in the smithy. While seeming flustered it would more come down to a mix of inconvenience and frustration. To many times has the Holy Order given her last minute assignments knowing she was fully involved in a project or perfecting a new technique.

Not having enough time to clean up properly Brigit would have both forearms wrapped by a bandaged, and her forehead and nose would be covered in soot and oil. While her worn work clothing would be somewhat safe thanks to the apron, and would quickly change into a pair of closed toe shoes. Tossing her work boots by the door she would glance at the clock to get the time as she leaves the forge. She would shove the heavy door aside causing a large thud to be heard around the fort.
"Dammit! I don't have time for this! Who would even sign off on such a dumb idea! I don't need to work with other squires and a mentor right now! Do they not know how much I still need to learn from the Master Smith!?"

She would turn a corner to another long corridor with another heavy door at the end. Her frustrated walk would quickly turn into a speedy jog as she ducks and dodges around various commanders and squires.
"Places to be, groups to meet!"
Normally what would be seen as incredibly rude has become quite the norm for Brigit and most knights have become acquainted with her go go go schedule.

Finally reaching the door to the courtyard Brigit would burst through and quickly glance around. After all...when everyone meets in the courtyard finding a specific group isn't always a cakewalk. Though today she got a little lucky. Brigit had spotted an odd pairing next to a wall and would head over while waving with a sudden shifted smile and cheerful tone.

"Are you three here to meet for Daemon?" She would glance the three of them over while trying to get a read on what kind of equipment they might buy, or be interested in. After all everyone is a potential customer in this line of work.
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PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 5:54 am

Before long, another figure would approach Yarmital's position along the wall, a very young lad from first glance. He carried a spear and had a sort of.. simple confidence to him that seemed misplaced due to the weapon being more than twice his size. Though, he supposed being a squire at such a young age must have meant he was well suited to the task. He also felt a sort of kinship with the boy that he couldn't quite place. "I assume you are looking for your squad as well?" Before much more time passed, another man approached, this one looked older than even Yarmital and had a strong build. Much more suited to being a knight, but he could sense a more powerful magik lurking beneath this man's brutish appearance. Certainly one to study as time went on. Finally, another approached, this one female who also gave him that familiar feeling. Before any of them could speak further, a voice spoke from the top of the wall.

"Yes, they are here for me as well Brigit. This will be the official trial to mark the beginning of your mentorship. You four have been specifically selected to train under me until I see fit to recommend you for the Tourney of Knights. Your training begins now with a simple sparring match. I will be testing your skills and resilience. Meet me at Training ground III to begin our lesson." With that, he would leap over the other side of the wall, no doubt heading to said training ground.

Yarmital would look to the rest of the squad gathered, two who seemed familiar to him yet unique in their own ways and one who was very mysterious and just begging to be studied. Not one to keep others waiting Yarmital would begin heading in the direction of the gate. "Well, I suggest we get moving then." Once he arrived at the grounds, he found the man waiting in the middle of a clearing. Once they had all arrived he would begin speaking.

"Alright, I'm Daemon. I'll be your mentor from now on, which means I'll be handling your training and deciding when you're ready to become knights. For now, introduce yourselves, then we will begin the exercise."

Yarmital would step forward first, "I am Yarmital. I enjoy learning about magic and studying unique spells and powers." With that said, he would step back and let the next continue.
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeFri Nov 18, 2022 7:25 pm

The Dopey child would soon meet his team.

A tall body would walk up and say his name was 'Cairo' which would immediately be squashed into Caro. Saying the I was too much energy to dedicate to a whole name that he'd be calling more than like once. Of course, since he hadn't fully gotten the answer to his question, he didn't really wanna continue a new conversation.

Next, a lady about the size of the original boy would appear. She was kinda pretty, but not enough for the youth to be starstruck. Though, that's mainly because she wasn't a spear. Now! If she was a spear, the dopey child would absolutely be starstruck.

Next, a guy in big armor and a nice-looking face.

The guy would talk a whole bunch, and when being told to head over to a place.

Rudolf would head on over when he was told to, and then the boss Daemon guy would tell him to introduce themselves. The first guy, now named Yarmital would introduce himself.

Rudolf would go next.

"I'm Rudolf~ I fight things real good and hit things with my big spear-y friend." Rudolf would say, calmly, and with obvious affection towards his spear. That'd be the end of his introduction, as he'd stand and wait for the others to introduce themselves.
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PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2022 1:51 am

Not much longer after Cairo arrive did he noticed yet another arrival. It seems that this one unlike the other two was a woman. According to her appearance and the smell she brought along it seems she was weapon master or something. It seems that not only had the knights progressed much further but so did the field of crafting as well. She too seemed to be here to join the small knights group made up of these few squires.

But before he could further question about the arrival of their mentor he would hear a booming voice.

It would seem that he had arrived and the no other people would be joining. This group was small but seemingly varied. It we good enough for him to build ties with for now as they all progressed. It also appeared that mentor Daemon planned to test them all individually. A tiny spar was to be held between the group but it was not much Cairo could do for now. At most he would have to use his bare hands to spar. After all he had just been released from his seal and guided here. He did not have an resources or weapons. The bulky of his ability could not be used until he acquired a suitable weapon. He was not worried though a simple spar shouldn’t require to much to be done. But before any of that was to be done, it seems they all needed to introduce themselves once again.

“Hello again. I’m Cairo I specialize in both Magic and Melee arts. I also commonly use a scythe. Also do be warned I become a little eccentric when I use my powers heh…”

It was a simple and to the point introduction. They all soon would learn the true skill behind each other abilities so it did not need more of a explanation than that. He’d just hope everyone around he would be able to tolerate Red Knight and Blue Saint whenever that time came. He was surely not the first to have such side effects to their powers but to be fair they were extremely for the common knights.
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeSat Nov 19, 2022 4:53 am

Brigit would look up towards the booming voice and let out a sigh before continuing her thought process. Not only did I get called away from the forge...they are making me go through another set of sparring exercises. Though...being able to make equipment for Daemon...I just might be able to get a good reputation out of this.
After hearing the white haired one say they would rather get a move on Brigit would stop her planning.

"Right...though I'm not jumping the fort walls." She would begin to head around through the main gate and towards training grounds three.

Upon arriving and realizing that it may just turn into a glorified meet and greet she would begin to listen closely as her potential custome- I mean teammates would talk about their various talents and abilities. Oh and would seem she had gotten to the courtyard a little to late to catch them the first time.

As the taller more primal looking individual would finish talking and everyone started to turn towards Brigit she would quickly close over a small notebook that had [customer info] scribbled on it, and would slide it into her pocket.

Clearing her throat since she hasn't really said much. "I am Brigit, and I am a martial weapons specialist and Smithy Apprentice." After rummaging around a couple pockets and checking her sides. "I...have also left my sword at the forge..." Her face would begin to turn red as she is slightly embarrassed. She would take a long breathe before continuing. "So Mentor! What sort of trials and tribulations have you brought for us today?"
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2022 8:33 am

As the four spoke, Daemon would pay attention to how their body language changed as each person introduced themselves as well as when listening to their new team. They each seemed to find the 'get-to-know' portion a bother judging by their faces, but that was part of the fun. Get them a little out of their head about whatever training he would be inflicting upon them. Letting out a chuckle, he would nod as they finished and Brigit would speak, "Well, the goal here is to not only give me an understanding of your combat aptitude, but also to test how compatible you four will be as a team. As such, You four will be fighting me, employing teamwork and the like to show me what i'm working with. Prepare yourselves." With that, he would pull out his shield, leaving his sword clasped on his back, getting into a ready position facing the four across from him, ready for their moves.


Yarmital was very interested in his team, they all seemed very intriguing and he couldn't wait to study their abilities, including their new mentor. When the man spoke of their test, he knew he'd probably be more of a liability to his more combat oriented teammates, even the youngest of them seemed pretty handy with that spear he carried around. But, he would back up some and allow someone else to take the lead here, "I'm not much of a direct fighter, just let me know what I can do to support you all!" He realized he wasn't a front line mage at the moment, but perhaps he could work towards being more of a direct fighter in the future by learning more spells. Only time would tell.
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2022 11:30 am

While the child was listening, it was...tenuous at best. This wasn't any particular affront or him wanting to offend. He's 9, he hardly has the attention span to remember he was supposed to be here.

By virtue of being 9, he lacked the self-awareness to really commit to any significant teamwork and instead had a very simple plan to beat up the old man captain guy.

Yarmy was apparently a supportive guy which was cool! Rudolf was unsure what the point of telling him was.

The child would put down his spear, mainly because it was more of a decorative spear.

Rudolf would then leap forward and attempt to specifically punch the big mans shield and try to knock the guy over. It's hardly a plan, but it's Rudolfs plan. Punch the shield and knock the guy over!
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A Squire's Tale Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Squire's Tale   A Squire's Tale Icon_minitimeTue Nov 29, 2022 1:35 am

Cairo after listening to everyone’s introductions was pleased. It seems the group had a fair balanced mix of talents. It also seemed the test their mentor wanted to do was a simple spar against him. It was simple enough for him so he was ready to participate. He also wondered if this blacksmith woman would eventually make him a decent weapon at some point. As far as Yarmital he was familiar those who loved magic simple and straightforward. As far as the little guy… Cairo was still confused about why there was a young child here, he could do nothing but accept he to was talented enough to be here. As long as he was strong enough it was appropriate to be here or anywhere for that matter.

“Let’s do this…”

Seeing as how the little lad was the first one to initiate the spar Cairo would follow up. Without a word and capitalizing on Rudolph being a distraction Cairo would quickly rush to side of Daemon. He would also throw a punch forward in a bid to preform a pincer attack. As he threw the punch a visible red aura would surround his body. This unique red aura was thin and barely visible it almost appeared as if it would fizzle out at any moment. Those around him couldn’t help but wonder what it was for but soon they would see. Hopefully the remaining two would be able to properly follow up on them. After all their mentor would have his hands full with two frontal assaults from a small and big pair.
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